The Laboratory
The Philadelphia region's premiere esports & entertainment venue


the laboratory
The Laboratory (or Lab for short) is an esports venue and entertainment lounge located in Hatboro, PA. We host weekly video game tournaments along with several larger monthly events.

Bros. Calamity
We are a team of close friends and family from the Philadelphia area, all with similar interests; We love video games, especially the Super Smash Bros. series. We owe the strong bonds that we've made with one another to the series. We are also very dedicated to the competitive smash community and want to provide similar opportunities for people of all the FGCs (Fighting Game Community) to meet and build friendships. Our intention is for The Lab to become home base for those local FGCs.

Event Registration
Use the same Smash.GG page links to sign up for our tournaments every week.
Free 3 hour parking is available in the shoppers lot across the street from our venue.
$1 to park the entire day
Metered spots are .25c per hour​
Parking is also free on Sundays and after 9PM